Porcelain Veneers

At Dame Street Dental Clinic’s high-tech, state of the art practices, we can completely transform your smile and revitalize your confidence in just a matter of weeks.

Under the care of our specialist dentists with extensive experience in cosmetic restorations, achieving beautiful, natural results has never been so achievable. 

Porcelain veneers are a time-proven technique for allowing patients to realise the smile of their dreams with a set of straight, pearly white teeth that will stand the test of time. 

Veneers straighten, brighten, and create symmetry in your smile, through the fabrication of individually hand-crafted, ultra-thin layers of porcelain. These are created by skilled cosmetic ceramic technicians in an intricate process that produces results which perfectly mimic the natural finish and appearance of teeth. 

Veneers allow us to improve the colour, shape, and positioning of a single tooth, masking discolouration or unsightly chipping with a veneer cut and shaped to any size. Alternatively they can be bonded to multiple teeth - most commonly the highly visible front teeth - to completely reinvent your smile and rejuvenate your appearance and overall facial harmony. Either way, your porcelain veneers are colour-matched to perfection, meticulously selected by your dentist to ensure they blend in seamlessly with your natural teeth and guarantee you results that are both flawlessly flattering, perfectly realistic, and natural in appearance. 

It only takes a few visits with our expert cosmetic dentist to affect this remarkable and life-changing transformation, using Veneers to align, whiten, and re-shape your teeth into a newly restored, glowing smile. Make an appointment with Dame Street Dental Clinic today, where we can help you see for yourself (using revolutionary Digital Smile Design technology) just what Veneers can do for you. 

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Benefits of Porcelain Veneers

  • Transform your smile and rejuvenate your appearance in as little as 4 weeks
  • Perfect mis-shapen teeth and restore the balance of your entire smile
  • A rapid treatment time for a seriously long-lasting improvement 
  • Mask stained or discoloured teeth with ease, while still maintaining your natural tooth structure
  • Cover chipped or cracked teeth with no loss of function
  • Choose the exact shade of teeth you would like with the help of our cosmetic dentistry expert

What to Expect When Getting Veneers

Initial consultation 

Your dentist will carry out a comprehensive dental examination to address any issues you may have with your teeth and assess your suitability for Porcelain Veneers. At Dame Street Dental we pride ourselves on working together as partners with all of our patients, collaborating to identify your ultimate smile goals and develop a bespoke treatment plan so that we can achieve them. 

Particularly if you are unsure about treatment, or have lived with an unwelcome defect of a tooth or teeth for so long that you can’t imagine your smile without them, your dentist can also at this appointment offer to take you through our Digital Smile Design process . This allows your dentist to create a 3D mould of your planned veneers, to place temporarily in position in your mouth so that you can get an idea of what the final result will look like, allowing for any alterations or suggestions to be made before committing to treatment. 

Once you are fully happy to proceed, your dentist will explain the procedure involved in porcelain veneer treatment to create the desired transformation of your smile, and of course happily answer any questions you may have at this stage. Your clinical team will be able to discuss our various payment plans at this point also, to ensure that you are on the treatment payment plan that best meets your dental, lifestyle, and budgetary needs. Finally, our reception team will communicate with your treating dentist to schedule you in for the first stage of your treatment before you leave the clinic. 

Planning and preparing

At this first treatment appointment, your dentist will ensure that you are fully comfortable before beginning your procedure. To carry out a preparation of your tooth or teeth to receive a veneer, a very thin layer of the outer enamel of your tooth is removed, making space for the finished veneer to bond to the surface of your tooth as this layer’s replacement. For the vast majority of patients, this process of removal creates very little to no discomfort. However your dentist will still treat the area with local anaesthetic to numb your mouth before beginning. 

Once your tooth is prepared to receive the veneer, your dentist will use a high-tech 3D scanner to create a record of your teeth. This is also the stage at which you will choose - with the expert advice of a cosmetic dentist - the desired shade of new veneers, to perfectly colour-match them to your natural smile. This colour selection along with your 3D record are then sent to our dental lab, where each veneer is individually and expertly hand-crafted.

Infrequently, for teeth that are more damaged or in poor condition, once they have been prepared to receive a veneer your dentist may create a temporary veneer from dental composite material, to protect the prepared tooth until your permanent veneers have returned from the lab. On average, after 2 to 3 weeks your porcelain veneers will be ready to fit, and our front desk will contact you to schedule your final appointment to have these placed. 

Fitting the Veneers

Your final visit to have your veneers placed is relatively quick and entirely painless. Your dentist will first remove any temporary veneers that were placed during your last appointment, and then your teeth will be cleaned in preparation for placement.  

Your dentist will first try the veneers in place to show you and ensure that you are happy with the appearance, before proceeding to cement them in place. Each Porcelain veneer is then carefully bonded to your tooth using a permanent dental cement, which is hardened under a bright light. Any excess cement will be removed and your dentist will carry out a final examination of the shape and colour of your veneers, as well as testing your new bite, to make sure that you are satisfied and that no adjustments are required.

Your dentist will then explain and provide you with detailed instructions on how to best care for your new smile, including hygiene and dietary guidance to prolong the life of your restorations, as well as scheduling any follow-up treatment or check-up examination that is needed. 

Questions? Answers.

Who are Porcelain Veneers suitable for?

Porcelain Veneers are suitable for anybody who wants to transform and improve their appearance, but are especially suited to those who either cannot undergo treatment with braces or more invasive, surgical treatments – or simply would prefer to avoid those options and avail of the long-lasting, highly aesthetic option of dental veneers without a lengthy treatment time. 

Porcelain veneers are particularly useful for people with teeth which are chipped, discoloured, or have small gaps between them. At your initial consultation to discuss your smile goals and whether veneers may be right for you, your dentist will be able to show you what your smile will look like after treatment, if you would find this helpful. 

Can I remove my Porcelain Veneers?

You cannot remove your veneers at home – they are cemented securely to your teeth by a permanent dental bonding agent, and can only be removed by a careful procedure completed by your dentist. 

However you will have no need to remove your veneers, as they function just as natural teeth and have no impact on your ability to eat, speak, and go about your day completely as normal. Your porcelain veneers are designed to last at least 15 years when properly cared for, following the guidance and advice of your treating dentist. 

You may also be interested in discussing your suitability for No Prep Veneers with your dentist during your initial consultation. While not every tooth is a good candidate for a No Prep Veneer, as significant damage or chipping to a tooth can require some preparation to firmly anchor the veneer, if you are interested in preserving the original enamel structure of your tooth entirely, then No Prep Veneers may be the option for you. 

Can Porcelain Veneers be used to replace missing teeth?

No, a veneer is similar to a false nail in that it needs your own natural tooth to sit atop. There are numerous options available at Dame Street Dental if you are hoping to replace a missing tooth or teeth, the most effective, safe and durable of which are Dental Implants.

How long will my porcelain veneers last?

Porcelain Veneers are designed and materials-tested to be a robust and long-lasting dental solution. When cared for properly and maintained with adequate daily oral hygiene and dental check-up schedule, you can expect them to last for 15 to 20 years.

How will I know what my final smile will look like?

Your dentist will be happy to take you through our Digital Smile Design process in advance of your treatment, to give you an idea of how the final appearance of your smile will look. 

During the preparation stage at your second appointment, we can also place temporary veneers while you await the fabrication of your permanent veneers at our dental lab. This period gives you the opportunity to ‘test drive’ your new smile, allowing you to make any changes you desire in partnership with your dentist during this stage.  

Can my porcelain veneers break?

Although veneers are designed to be hard wearing, just like your natural tooth they can undergo damage by accident or impact injury. If you regularly take part in contact sports, we would highly recommend that you wear a sports guard to protect your veneers – and all of your teeth. 

Your dentist can also give you advice regarding breaking the habit of nail biting, as this repetitive, non-organic chewing and biting can have a wearing effect on your new veneers. Additionally, if you suffer from frequent or excessive teeth grinding or clenching while you sleep, your dentist will also likely recommend for you to have a Nightguard made to protect your veneers during the night.  

How do I care for my porcelain veneers?

To get the most benefit, longevity, and value from your new dental veneers, you should care for your veneers as you would your natural teeth. Brushing twice daily and flossing once per day is essential to maintain good oral hygiene. 

You should attend your dentist and hygienist regularly – your clinical team will also be able to address any questions you have about recommended check-up frequency, although in general every 6 months is recommended. Eating a balanced diet that is low in sugar is also essential, to reduce your risk of developing dental decay in the organic structure of your tooth, or the neighbouring teeth. 

Cutting back or indeed quitting smoking altogether will likewise greatly benefit the health of your gums and so prolong the life of your natural tooth structures and therefore of your veneers. 

Can I eat normally after getting porcelain veneers?

Your veneers are extremely stain-resistant and strong, which comes down to the durable, polished material they are crafted from, meaning that you can bite into all kinds of food just as you would normally. 

While none of your favourites are off the menu, it is best to maintain a healthy, balanced diet which limits your sugar intake, to avoid dental disease and to maximise the lifespan of your porcelain veneers.

Will I feel any pain getting dental veneers?

No not at all; we use a highly effective dental anaesthetic to ensure that your mouth is completely numb throughout the procedure, making the entire process from preparation to fitting of your final veneers, completely painless. 

Will I get tooth sensitivity after having my veneers placed?

The majority of people will experience no sensitivity whatsoever after this treatment. However, particularly for some individuals who are more prone to having sensitive teeth even during regular brushing, there can be some noticeable increased sensitivity, for example to cold temperatures, following the placement of veneers. 

If this is the case for you, we can assure you that for most patients this heightened sensitivity wears off within a few days to a few weeks post-procedure, and your dentist will be able to advise on measures you can take to reduce any sensitivity. 

How much do Porcelain Veneers cost?

At Dame Street Dental our Porcelain Veneers start between €750 and €1100, depending on the number of teeth which require treatment. 

Re-making not only your smile but your entire facial appearance, your first and lasting impression and your overall self-confidence by having Veneers placed is, in a word, life-changing. The results of treatment with veneers are visible to the world day in and day out, and are designed to last. When you choose Dame Street Dental for your treatment you are choosing the highest quality of care, with an experienced, specialised cosmetic dentist, and each Veneer is individually hand-crafted in our lab using the most durable and aesthetic materials available to modern dentistry. 

We are delighted to offer a number of different payment plans which you can choose from, because we believe that every patient should be able to achieve their dream smile in the way that best suits your needs, lifestyle, and budget. We have one plan that allows you to pay monthly with absolutely no down payment required and at 0% interest. 

Feeling self-conscious about discoloured, chipped or stained teeth? Talk to us today about a full smile makeover with Dental Veneers!  

Call (0)1 525 2670 or book your initial consultation with one of our dedicated and experienced dentists to discuss Porcelain Veneers today