Karina Silva

Karina Silva

  • Dental Nurse

Since her childhood, Karina has been captivated by the field of health, and she found dentistry to be a compelling avenue to directly impact people's smiles. Graduating in Dentistry in Chile in 2018 marked a significant milestone that reaffirmed her dedication to this profession.

Karina's driving force has always been her ability to assist patients and share in their joy. In 2022, driven by a passion for travel and a desire for new experiences, she embarked on a journey to Ireland in search of fresh opportunities in oral care. Transitioning into the role of a Dental Nurse has proven to be rewarding, enabling her to continue making a positive difference in people's lives.

With a cheerful and optimistic demeanor, Karina firmly believes in the timing of events. Working alongside a team of empathetic individuals committed to delivering exceptional service fills her with gratitude.

Outside of work, Karina immerses herself in travel, relishing the chance to explore new destinations and connect with diverse cultures. Additionally, she finds solace in sleep, enjoys socializing, and embraces outdoor activities.