Emily Rudden

Emily Rudden

  • Digital Marketing and Social Media Assistant

Emily graduated from UCD with a BA (Hons) in Film, focusing on Digital Media in her final year. Prior to joining Truly, she spent 3 years working in Pharmacy as a dispensary technician. This is what drew her to her current position; the opportunity to combine her knowledge of both healthcare and content creation.

Raised by a Speech & Drama coach (shoutout to her Mam, Mary) Emily has always had a knack for creativity, imagination, and a flair for the dramatic; which she strives to bring to Truly’s social media - who says Dentistry can’t be fun!

Emily’s career ambition is to continue growing her skills in content creation and digital marketing. Ultimately, her goal is to always feel that she’s contributing something valuable to society, even if that's just providing a moment's relief from the world through entertaining content. On a personal level, she’d also love to own her own home in the (hopefully not so distant) future; so let’s hope the cost-of-living situation improves!

Outside of work, the most important things in Emily’s life are her furry friends; her two cats, Blue and Bowie.