Dr. Daniel Kim

Dr. Daniel Kim

Dr. Kim graduated ‘with honour’ from the University of Pecs in Hungary in 2015. He immediately entered into practicing and has been developing his skills and experience from strength to strength since.

Following graduation he joined a clinic known for dental tourism, and gained invaluable experience in prosthodontics and cosmetic cases – especially veneers, crowns, and bridges – as well as implant dentistry. This clinic also gave him face to face experience with patients from a wide range of backgrounds and with a variety of specific needs. Helping these patients inspired Dr Kim to continue his own professional development, and he is currently completing a master course in Prosthodontics in Italy.

One of his main drives is to help his patients and teammates, and he is passionate about doing this every day. Additionally, he loves performing the delicate work of dentistry with his hands, and seeing the results.

In his spare time, Dr. Kim loves playing golf with his wife.